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Our Vision & Values


To ensure expansion and leadership in the bicycle tyres and tubes sector and constantly upgrade to keep up with the latest technology and innovations.
Responsibility for the health of all our employees is our prime concern.
We are sensitive to ecological issues as is evident from our surroundings and premises.
Ahuja Continental Group believes in total commitment and service to all, be it customers both domestic and international, suppliers and partners.
Care is always taken to ensure that our business goals and growth are built around the needs of our customers and employees.


Our value system continues to be the back bone for the growth and expansion of our Company.
To excel in standards set for day to day activities with respect to the quality of goods and services provided to customers.
To abide by fair business practices with honesty, reliability and integrity. All our transactions stand to the test of any scrutiny.
To build strong relationships, better understanding and mutual cooperation with all our customers and partners with whom we are associated with.
To achieve all the objectives and goals through total team work.
To take note of everybody’s view point and be accessible to all.
To work with concern, respect, care for fellow colleagues and their families.
To be responsible for the health of all our employees.
To have constant focus for the benefit of the company and its partners.

We have laid out plans to export Yokostone brand cycle tyres and tubes. For export enquiries contact Mr. Raman K Anirudhan at raman.exports@yokostone.com.
Initially we are looking at exports to Afghanistan; Mauritius; Kenya; Zanzibar; Mozambique; Egypt.

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